Peter Gilbert

From leaving school in the 60’s I have always painted or drawn. I think not going to art college was for me the best route, as over the years and career changes, from advertising agencies to Restaurateur and Night Club owner I have always found the time to keep painting, exploring and developing my own style. Changing them with my own lifestyle, from the very precise skills needed as an airbrush artist and illustrator to the strong brush stokes and bold colours of my latest New Forest landscapes. I am now lucky enough to make a living as an artist, painting mainly contemporary landscapes of the New Forest or the Dorset Coast.


From leaving school in the 60’s I have always painted or drawn. I think not going to art college was for me the best route, as over the years and career changes, from advertising agencies to Restaurateur and Night Club owner I have always found the time to keep painting, exploring and developing my own style. Changing them with my own lifestyle, from the very precise skills needed as an airbrush artist and illustrator to the strong brush stokes and bold colours of my latest New Forest landscapes. I am now lucky enough to make a living as an artist, painting mainly contemporary landscapes of the New Forest or the Dorset Coast.

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